Community Communication Covenant

Section One: Covenant Purpose

  1. The "Community Communication Covenant" (hereinafter referred to as "this Covenant") aims to create a warm, harmonious, friendly, beautiful, and diverse community. It aims to maintain a community of friendly and inclusive members, protect a stable and comfortable communication environment, allowing community members to engage in various exchanges happily, securely, and without infringement.

  2. This Covenant is committed to integrating all those who love life, uphold integrity, and are friendly and kind. Together with all community members, we strive to build a joyful and unforgettable interest community. We aim to create a warm, harmonious, loving, wonderful, and diverse community, establishing one with distinct themes and genuine content. We encourage content that is loving, interesting, and useful to thrive within the community.

  3. The communication environment of a community is jointly influenced by the community's management team and its members. The impact of the latter often expands rapidly with the growth of the community's membership. Malicious, indecent, inappropriate, and unethical behavior by certain community members may cause significant harm to the communication environment. Sometimes, these harms may not receive sufficient attention from the community's management team, and the consequences will be borne collectively by all community members, and even the entire community. Therefore, in addition to strengthening the individual qualities of community members, it is also necessary to promote the entire community to optimize the existing communication environment to higher standards, so as to jointly maintain a positive community communication environment.

  4. This Covenant, following the community's own direction of evolution, actively guides and assists the community management team in managing the community. It aims to reduce malicious, indecent, inappropriate, and unethical speech and behavior, and improve the communication environment of the community through more effective management mechanisms.

Section Two: Compilation and Expansion

  1. The revision and expansion of the terms of this Covenant are open to all individuals and communities who accept this Covenant and can provide constructive suggestions. They are based on the principles of open acceptance, thorough discussion, and active revision.

  2. The final actual revision and expansion of the terms of this Covenant will be decided after discussion and voting by the Ourmoe Creativity Team.

  3. If you have any questions about the existing terms of this Covenant (including implementation difficulties) and suggestions, please send an email with the subject "Feedback: Community Communication Covenant" to

Section Three: Special Statement

  1. The titles of all terms in this Covenant are for reading convenience only, and do not have any actual meaning. They cannot be used as a basis for interpreting the meaning of this Covenant.

  2. If, for any reason, any part of the terms of this Covenant is deemed invalid, the remaining terms remain valid and binding on all parties.

  3. In the event of any discrepancies in the interpretation of terms due to language translation, the Simplified Chinese version of this Covenant shall prevail.

  4. If you are currently outside of mainland China, you must also comply with the laws and regulations of your respective country or region in accepting and adhering to this Covenant.

  5. Please ensure that you have carefully read, fully understood, and unreservedly accepted all the terms of this Covenant before joining a community that accepts and abides by this Covenant. Otherwise, you are not entitled to join a community that accepts and abides by this Covenant.

  6. Your joining of a community that accepts and abides by this Covenant is considered as your having read and accepted the constraints of this Covenant.

  7. When using the services provided by a community that accepts and abides by this Covenant, you should also adhere to the subsidiary rules of this Covenant. Your acceptance and compliance with the behavior specified in this Covenant is also considered as your acceptance and compliance with the subsidiary rules of this Covenant.

  8. The scope of application of this Covenant includes all members of the community that accepts and abides by this Covenant, the scope mentioned in its management regulations, and the communication content and behavior derived from the community.

  9. After the terms of this Covenant have been amended, if you continue to engage in discussions within a community that accepts and abides by this Covenant, it is considered that you have accepted the amended Covenant.

  10. All the terms and related content of this Covenant are shared under the Creative Commons License - Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0).

  11. This Covenant was officially released on January 1, 2018. Starting from January 1, 2018, this Covenant officially takes effect. The current revised version is "December 2022".

Section Four: Personal Profiles

  1. High-quality nicknames and avatars convey your interesting soul. Nicknames and avatars that align with the community and personal characteristics can help everyone showcase their style and quickly integrate into new groups.

  2. The use of nicknames and avatars with elements of gender discrimination, racial discrimination, religious discrimination, personal attacks, insults, provocations, vulgar language, promotion of violence, pornography, obscenity, advertisements, or other content that violates national laws and regulations, socialist spiritual civilization, public order, good customs, and social ethics, as well as nicknames and avatars that make others uncomfortable, are prohibited.

  3. The use of nicknames and avatars that are similar to or indistinguishable from official ones and may cause confusion or disputes, as well as other nicknames and avatars that may violate laws and regulations or infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others, are prohibited.

  4. The use of nicknames with deceptive or suggestive content is prohibited. Nicknames containing characters such as '@', 'at', 'private chat', etc., as well as names and avatars containing URLs or similar strings, are also prohibited.

Section Five: Communication Behaviors

  1. The posting and/or engaging in activities related to endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting the state, undermining national unity, damaging national honor and interests are prohibited.

  2. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, undermining ethnic unity, undermining the state's religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability are prohibited.

  3. Inciting illegal gatherings, associations, marches, demonstrations, and gatherings to disrupt social order is prohibited.

  4. Posting feudal superstitions, obscenities, vulgarity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, conspiracy theories, incitement to crime, and other harmful information is prohibited.

  5. Prohibiting the discussion or sharing of any political content, sensitive content (sensitive content includes but is not limited to bypassing censorship, tobacco and alcohol, tattoos, and other controversial topics), as well as content prohibited by national laws and regulations.

  6. Community members are prohibited from inducing other community members to violate rules, break the law, or engage in criminal activities in any way.

  7. Disseminating, publishing, or promoting false information and rumors, etc., is prohibited.

  8. Prohibiting the infringement of others' reputation, honor, privacy, name rights, and other legal rights granted to citizens by law in the community, or the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, organizations, and companies. These behaviors include but are not limited to insulting others, personal attacks, harassment, etc.

  9. It is not allowed to maliciously impersonate other community members or individuals in any way through your account information (nickname, avatar, signature, personal space, etc.) and interact with others while pretending to be the person being imitated. Similarly, it is not allowed to impersonate accounts related to official business.

  10. Conducting any acts to seek benefits for oneself or others without the permission of the relevant community management team, whether non-profit or for-profit, is prohibited.

  11. Initiating fundraising, collections, and similar activities within the community without the permission of the relevant community management team is prohibited.

  12. Conducting any form of transactions within the community, including but not limited to paid virtual transactions and paid physical transactions, is prohibited. If you insist on conducting a transaction, the community will not be responsible for the outcome of the transaction. If transactions are necessary, please use official platforms that provide relevant transaction guarantees.

  13. Discussing, publishing, or spreading pirated content and its production methods, files, sources, etc., is prohibited.

  14. Posting links, software, programs, etc., containing deceptive content that may cause others to suffer losses is prohibited.

  15. Posting URLs, links, software, programs, etc., containing malicious content (malicious content includes but is not limited to viruses, Trojans, phishing, rogue software) is prohibited.

  16. Posting any communication channels, promotional links, audiovisual content, QR codes, advertisements, etc., that are unrelated to the community is prohibited.

  17. Posting content that affects the normal communication of other community members through platform vulnerabilities and similar methods is prohibited.

  18. Continuously and aimlessly flooding the platform with language, emoticons, images, etc., is prohibited.

  19. Using foul language, profanity, vulgar language, and other inappropriate vocabulary that violates other terms of this Covenant is prohibited.

  20. Using or posting voice messages, emoticons, images, etc., that make the majority of community members feel disgusted, repelled, or nauseated is prohibited.

  21. Using non-standard languages (non-standard languages refer to a type of internet language characterized by the use of rare characters or homophones in place of standard Chinese characters, and may also include the usage of other internet language styles) and other improper languages is prohibited. The use of coded language, encrypted language, or local dialects should be appropriate and cautious, and the content must not violate other terms of this Covenant.

  22. Community members are prohibited from guiding other community members to join any community that does not accept this Covenant in any way.

  23. All community members have the responsibility and obligation to maintain a community communication environment and a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

Section Six: Community Management

  1. The community management team should set names, avatars, covers, introductions, identity groups, etc., that are in line with the theme of the community, and should have a relatively long-term and clear plan for the development of the community. It should formulate and implement management regulations that are in line with the actual situation of the community based on this Covenant.

  2. The community management team should establish a community management system, appoint suitable community members as community managers or recruit externally, distribute management tasks and permissions, and continuously assess the work of the administrators.

  3. The community should regularly organize activities and competitions that are in line with the theme of the community to enhance the connection between community members and the community.

  4. Community members are not allowed to engage in behavior that violates the terms of this Covenant, disrupts community order, or disrupts the community atmosphere. The community management team should impose penalties on them, including but not limited to changing or deleting content posted by community members, suspending or terminating the right of community members to participate in community communication.

  5. Community management should maintain the normal order of the community, actively participate in the regulation and handling of internal disputes and violations of regulations within the community, and ensure the stable, harmonious, and healthy development of the community.

  6. Community management should treat community members kindly, answer questions from community members seriously, and accept suggestions and criticisms with an open mind.

  7. Community management should prioritize guidance, use power cautiously, patiently answer questions about management work, and strictly prohibit the abuse of power for retaliation.

  8. Community administrators should impose warnings, bans, and blacklisting on members who violate the terms of this Covenant, and, if necessary, transfer them to the public security organs. In case of evasion of punishment, heavier penalties shall be imposed.

  9. Community administrators should lead by example and accept the supervision of community members. Those who cannot meet the requirements should be demoted, and if they still do not improve after repeated teaching, they should be blacklisted.

Section Seven: Minors

  1. If you are under 18 years old, you should read this Covenant and communicate in a community that accepts this Covenant under the supervision, guidance, and consent of your guardian.

  2. Special Note for Minors: Minors should learn to use the internet correctly under the supervision and guidance of their guardians, avoid becoming addicted to the virtual internet space, and cultivate good internet habits within a reasonable range.

  3. Whether or not you are mentally mature, you must abide by the various provisions and terms of this Covenant, which will benefit yourself, others, and the community.

  4. Teenage members must abide by the "National Youth Internet Civilization Convention":
    a) Be good at online learning and not browse harmful information.
    b) Be honest and friendly in communication, not insulting or deceiving others.
    c) Enhance self-protection awareness, not casually meeting online acquaintances.
    d) Maintain online security and not disrupt online order.
    e) Promote physical and mental health, not indulge in virtual time and space.